Sunday, April 7, 2019

Winter Brings Rats, Mice, and Pests Indoors

Winter Brings Rats, Mice, and Pests Indoors was first published to

Rats, mice, and other rodents love a warm house just as much as we do. So when the weather outside starts turning cooler, they start looking for a way in. You may need to pay more attention to rat and mouse control and being sure they don't have access to your attic, basement or crawl space, or even sheds. It's much easier to keep them out than it is to remove them once they have set up housekeeping.

It's pretty amazing how small a hole they can squeeze through. Usually, a quarter-inch opening is large enough to give them access, and small holes like that are easy to overlook. Mice have poor eyesight so they use their whiskers for feel and stay close to the sides or walls as they run, so they can feel as they go. As soon as they feel any warmth, like under a door or around windows, they will find a way to get to it.

Mice use clutter to hide in and stay safe from predators. If there is junk or stored items around the outside of your house, they will burrow into it and feel safe. It also keeps them warm. To keep rats and mice away, don't store boxes of rags, papers, or other items that would make a comfortable nest.

One of the ways to keep rats, mice, and other pests out of your home is to make it difficult for them to find a comfortable spot. Eliminating clutter inside and especially outside can make them look for a better opportunity elsewhere when they can't find a place to hide or nest.

mouse trap

Phoenix Pest Management & Wildlife Control will find where the rats or mice are getting access to your home, close it up so they can't get back in, and remove the ones that have already gotten in. A good way to prevent having a problem in the first place is to call them for a Free Preventative Home Exclusion Inspection. They'll look for potential access points and and seal them up so the rodents have no way to get in.

Prevention is the easiest and best way to keep from having a rat, mouse, or squirrel problem. Any house is susceptible, even a new one. All holes and cracks have to be sealed. Mice and rats multiply quickly so just one or two getting in will become a full-blown infestation in no time. Females can have up to ten litters every year, and when the babies reach six weeks old, they can start to have babies themselves. With an average of five to six in each litter, it's easy to see how it doesn't take long.

Kitchens should be kept clean, all food put away and stored in containers they can't get into. Make things as difficult as possible. Having rats and mice get into your food source is extremely unsanitary and can cause diseases in humans. If they can't get into your food, they will eat clothing and other stored items, essentially ruining them. Save yourself the aggravation and expense of rat removal and extermination.


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